The VAR, LET, and CONST Keywords in JavaScript.

The VAR, LET, and CONST Keywords in JavaScript.

JavaScript updates in ES6 introduced use to new ways of declaring variables. As a new JavaScript developer, you have probably wondered about all this. VAR is the original way variables were declared before Ecmascript6 when added LET and CONST. In this piece, I will break them down for you. I will first start by defining some key terms that are associated with variables.

Hoisting – This means you can declare a variable before it is initialized.

Local scope - means that the declaration can only be used within the block of code it was declared inside.

Global scope - This means that the declaration can be used within and without the block, it was declared and initialized in.

Block - Code that has been grouped within curly brackets {}.

Reassign - To reassign is to change the value of a variable;

Redeclare - Writing the same variable with a different matter.

Here is a simplified table for your convenience indicating what can and cannot be done on the three of them :

var screenshot.png